While the winds of change took hold of May, June is here to remind you to get in touch with your emotions. With both Venus and Mercury in Cancer, the signs are encouraged to look within. Here's your horoscope guide for the month.
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22 June – 22 July

There is a sudden change of dynamic in your personal relationships. All the resistance to your ideas and the battles you had to fight to make even the slightest advance, will vanish. At the same time, you are given extra power by the entry of Mars into your own sign and are now in danger of doing too much. Take things slowly.
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23 July – 22 August

Concentrating on what you know you can do is fine, but it has put you on too narrow a track. It’s time to broaden your horizons. Go somewhere you’ve never been before, get into a different way of life, and read books that take you deep into subjects you never knew existed. What you learn and experience now will be fuel for the rest of the decade.
23 August - 22 September

You usually have so much to do that you have no time to stop and think. Yet now, as your own planet Mercury and expansive Jupiter meet in the part of the sky that is concerned with the far future, there’s no better time for that big conversation about what you really want. Your answer may not fit into your life as it is right now, but it will give you something to aim for.
Related article: Your Moon Sign Is Just as Important as Your Sun Sign. Here’s What It Means.
23 September - 22 October

If this month was a cup of coffee, it would be a double-strength espresso. If that’s the way you like it, then fine; but if you’re more of a latte person, it may be a bit of a shock. Every aspect of your life seems to be turned up to the maximum. It’s thrilling, but exhausting too. Would you like to go back to your quieter life? You could, if you wanted—but right now, the answer is no.
23 October - 22 November

Your own planet Pluto has reached the base of your chart. The slowest of all the planets—and hence the one with the deepest influence—its presence here will form the background to your life from now on. Not
all of what this new era contains will be revealed in the first few weeks but it will work to your benefit in the long run.
23 November - 21 December

If you want to take a risk on a new romance, or launch some other large-scale project, this is the time to do it. There is lots of Sagittarian confidence and optimism here. But there is also a sense of enjoying life, of doing something not because it’s the right thing, but just because it’s fun. When was the last time you felt like that?
22 December - 20 January

Beware of being too cautious in discussions about a possible promotion or deal. Although what you are being offered is good, it will stay as it is, with no potential for growth, and that may mean being left behind later. Perhaps you are unsure of what you are taking on, and you’re aiming low to be on the safe side. Have no fear: You can handle this.
21 January - 19 February

Pluto, now in your sign for the first time, is about to re-write all your usual rules. Suddenly everything is serious, and you will feel the power of this, perhaps in a new romance, mid-month. In times past, you would have enioyed it but not get too deeply involved. This time, it becomes something that once you’re in, you can’t get out of. Take care.
20 February - 20 March

There is an easy flow to your life this month, as one thing leads to another, and all of them good. Some signs might find this a little alarming, but you are happy to live in the moment and enjoy it all. You are quite right to do so; it’s all part of a larger plan. Don’t worry about money either; your large expenditure is just investment for the future.
21 March - 20 April

For as long as you can remember, you have been unable to do what you want. Every time you try something new, unforeseen problems come up. But not anymore: The road ahead is clear. There is no recommended route for you to take, but you don’t mind that. Simply knowing that you can go where you want, and at your own speed, is enough.
21 April – 21 May

Unexpected developments at work may make you rethink some of your long-term plans. But after the initial surprise, nothing much seems to happen. Can you go back to the way things were? No. The planets are giving you time to get used to the necessary changes and to adjust your aims and outlook. Get ready for the far-reaching transformations ahead.
22 May – 21 June

You may be in a position to turn one of your fondest hopes into reality— but you hesitate, wondering whether you still want to, or whether you should. Times have changed, and you may have outgrown it. Whatever the reason, if it feels wrong, don’t do it. Venus will offer you an easier and more comfortable alternative, after the 11th. Go with that instead.