The tides are turning for May and the planets are shifting at rapid pace. With a Pluto retrograde and a Sagittarius full moon, the signs are set for change. Here's your horoscope guide for the month.
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22 May – 21 June
As Mercury moves forward again, it’s time to bring yourself up to speed, catch up with anything you missed, and get yourself back into contention. It’s a familiar routine, but this time, you find yourself asking deeper questions about your motives. It’s not enough just to win the game; there has to be something in it that’s worth winning, too.
22 June – 22 July
Love affairs always come up at the wrong moments. This one rings every alarm bell that you know in terms of unexpectedness, inconvenience, and unsuitability, but animal instincts pay little attention to things like schedules or career plans. The simple fact is it’s happening, and it makes you feel more alive than you have for a long time. Put other plans on hold for a while and make the most of it.
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23 July – 22 August
This is the time when the potential for change that was talked about at the start of the year is actualised. From a range of possible options comes a shortlist of probable outcomes and a definite result, all within the space of a few days. It’s all very sudden, and it may not be quite what you expected. Don’t let that put you off.
23 August - 22 September
You have spent more than enough time trying to fix problems in a situation that was never going to get any better. You can see now that the only answer is to start again and build something different, more forward-looking and with potential for future growth. If people insist on clinging to the past, you have no option but to leave them behind.
23 September - 22 October
You have let your horizons become too narrow, treading a steady path towards a predictable future. You deserve better than that—and this month will give you a glimpse of a very different future, full of life and movement. You tell yourself: To live like that is impossible. Why? If it calls to you so strongly, why aren’t you doing it already?
23 October - 22 November
When big changes swept over you at the start of the year, you could not do much about them. Now, as the planets take up more helpful positions, you can engage with the situation properly. Lean into the things you want and sidestep the things you don’t. Talk, negotiate, and do deals. It will be hard work, but you’ll soon start making real progress.
23 November - 21 December
You know what you have to do but don’t know how, which is why you haven’t started yet. This month shows you the whole scenario from a different angle, one you haven’t seen before—and it’s a real moment of illumination. It makes you want to get to work at once instead of finding excuses not to. You’re back to your old self: energetic, curious, asking questions, finding answers.
22 December - 20 January
Sometimes, you are slow to pick up on the messages you are being given, especially if their content is emotional rather than practical. There is someone you enjoy seeing at the moment, but you don’t seem to have realised that a relationship is forming between you. The planets will create at least three moments of romantic potential in the coming weeks.
21 January - 19 February
Although you are willing to make small concessions to please other people or step back to let someone else go first, there are certain deep principles that you will not back down on. This month, you may find yourself pushed as far as you can go, so naturally, you fight back. What follows will need careful management, but all will be well in the end.
20 February - 20 March
You still have Mars in your sign for a few days, and he will help you produce a spectacular last-moment effort with an equally amazing result. When you look back later, you will wonder how you managed to do it. You won’t be able to do this again––that’s probably because the planetary alignment that helped you won’t recur for ages.
21 March - 20 April
You were recently forced to confront something or someone you had tried not to think about. It won’t be easy, but you can take comfort in knowing that this is the last time you will have to deal with this particular problem. It belongs to your past now, so leave it there. New and positive planetary influences are already taking you to something better.
21 April – 21 May
Your biggest problem is that when you find a comfortable spot, you want to stay there. With your ruler Venus back home in your own sign for most of this month, life will feel good right now. But this is the year when you’re supposed to be moving on and finding a new direction for yourself, remember? Don’t lose sight of what you’re aiming for.