
April 2024 Horoscope Guide: Taurus Season is Turning up the Heat

Look to the stars for the month of April.
Published: April 2, 2024
From Taurus to Aries, here are Your Horoscopes for April
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The winds of change usher in the month of April and the planets shifts to bring forth new situations for each sign this Taurus season. Here's your horoscope guide for the month.

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21 April – 21 May

From Taurus to Aries, here are Your Horoscopes for April
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An unexpected opportunity promises you anything you want. But as soon as you pick something, you are told that you can’t have it. Are the planets playing tricks? No, they are just gently steering you in the right direction. You chose to go with more of what you already have, but the purpose of all this is to urge you to move out of your comfort zone and try something new. As soon as you do that, all will be well.


22 May – 21 June

From Taurus to Aries, here are Your Horoscopes for April
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You’ve thought about it carefully, and your answer is no. Then, a few days later, you are given a second chance. Your first response is to refuse as before. But if you look, you will see that something has changed, which now makes the whole venture much more attractive. This is just a sweetener thrown into the deal to get you to agree, you think. Maybe, maybe not; but say yes anyway. You won’t regret it.


22 June – 22 July

From Taurus to Aries, here are Your Horoscopes for April
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This month’s eclipse at the top of your chart could rewrite all your career plans. It will offer you the sort of step-up that you thought only happens to other people—but at the same time, it throws you into a crisis of self-confidence. Have you got what it takes to take on such a role? Won’t your lack of experience be noticed? Yes, and no. You are your biggest critic; when in fact, you are far better than you think.


23 July – 22 August

From Taurus to Aries, here are Your Horoscopes for April
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For a long time, you have had a firm position on one side of an argument. The answer is clear to you, and all those who take the opposite view are simply wrong. Yet, somewhere in the next few weeks, you are going to change your mind, fully and completely. What has brought about this sudden change? The answer is not what, but who. A new relationship is helping you reach truths you never knew before.


23 August - 22 September

From Taurus to Aries, here are Your Horoscopes for April
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You seem to have reached a point in a relationship where you are happy to settle for what you have got. But if you do that, you are preventing it from ever giving you more, and there should be no limits to love or happiness. You deserve better. Early April will show you how much more is possible if you are prepared to take a few risks—and by the end of the month, you will have found what you were missing.


23 September - 22 October

From Taurus to Aries, here are Your Horoscopes for April
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You need to change. You’re not sure where you ought to be heading, but you know you need to move on from where you are now. The unexpected reappearance of an old flame in mid-April may provide some answers. A few days of re-living old times together, as friends this time rather than as lovers, will show you how you used to be, who you are now, and perhaps your future direction, too.


23 October - 22 November

From Taurus to Aries, here are Your Horoscopes for April
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A big decision is looming in your major relationship. There are two things you need to know: First, you’re in a weaker position than you would like, so that will mean making compromises. Second, you’ve made your choice; there can be no going back. This sounds like a battle you’re going to lose, but it isn’t. Future prospects afterwards look brilliant, so give a little now to gain a lot later.


23 November - 21 December

From Taurus to Aries, here are Your Horoscopes for April
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You are so enthusiastic and energetic that you can usually manage any task you are given. But are you doing what you actually want to do? Or just doing what is asked of you and being paid for it? The conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus this month may show you what you are actually good at and where your real abilities lie. If that means changing your career path to make better use of your talents, then do it.


22 December - 20 January

From Taurus to Aries, here are Your Horoscopes for April
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Moving away from anywhere always brings emotional scenes as the people you are leaving behind beg you to stay and accuse you of being selfish by creating a new life for yourself in a new location. Yet, almost always, once they see how much it means to you, they let you go and wish you well. Don’t let yourself be talked out of the big move you are planning now if it’s truly what you want.


21 January - 19 February

From Taurus to Aries, here are Your Horoscopes for April
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There are long-term planetary cycles constantly unfolding in the background of your life. In the early phases, there’s not much to see. In the middle phases, there’s a wave of energy you can ride to success, and as they end, life seems to lose some of its momentum. A new one starts this month, lasting through the rest of the decade. If you’ve been stuck for a while, this is where things start to get better.


20 February - 20 March

From Taurus to Aries, here are Your Horoscopes for April
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Mars enters your sign this month, and you’ll soon feel his heat and energy. You may not like it, but it’s what you need, so use it to take the lead and make things happen. For the next six weeks, you will have an unbeatable advantage. Where you move, others will follow, and when you speak, they will listen. It feels strange, but you’ll get used to it— and you’ll be amazed at how much you can actually do. Push, hard!


21 March - 20 April

From Taurus to Aries, here are Your Horoscopes for April
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You have been holding on to things from the past while looking to the future. But when this month’s eclipse in your sign fires you forward, you will realise that you can do both. You must complete any unfinished business, close any doors that you have left open, and say some fond but firm farewells—all within the space of a few days. Even by your standards, events are moving very quickly, so try to keep up.

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