January has come and gone and in the blink of an eye, and we're now in February. With Venus, the planet of love, entering Aries, the month is setting us up for new opportunities in all aspects of life. Here is your horoscope guide for the month.
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20 February - 20 March

If the romance is going to happen, it has to be now. That’s because the two of you will be going in different directions quite soon, and when you meet again, your lives will have changed. You could argue that it’s not worth starting considering how little time you have—but you might also say that it will provide wonderful memories with no regrets.
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21 March - 20 April

With your ruler Mars in retrograde for a few weeks, you’re re-examining past actions and wondering whether your choices were the right ones. Most of this is just nostalgic daydreaming, but then you meet up with someone you used to be close to, and there’s a clear emotional connection. Is this a genuine second chance? Keep your expectations realistic rather than romantic.
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21 April – 21 May

When something you’ve always dreamt of is offered, your first instinct is to think of it as a trick of some kind. Even when you have finally convinced yourself that it is genuine, you think of reasons why it wouldn’t work. It’s good to be cautious, but there are times when you should simply trust luck and take the chance while it’s there.
22 May – 21 June

The next few weeks are all about acceleration—not just progress but making each step lead into the next. What you do now could set your course for the rest of this decade, so it’s important to maintain your momentum. Reaching one of your targets in mid-February is pleasing, but don’t let it distract you or slow you down. Aim higher, go further still.
22 June – 22 July

Two outer planets will change direction in the next few weeks. One will open a door to the future and let you do what you couldn’t before; the other will open a door to the past to let you change something that didn’t end well. You can do either or both, but it will mean moving on from where you are right now.
23 July – 22 August

It’s a time of rich potential, when you are overwhelmed with new, good possibilities. Friends will be quick to offer help and advice, but forming a partnership with them could also mean allowing them to control the direction you take together. Make your own choices; go your own way. If others want to follow, that’s fine, but you must be the leader.
23 August - 22 September

You have been working so hard in recent weeks that you are actually ahead of schedule now—giving you some time to stand back and ask yourself whether your present role is what you really want or whether it simply pays the bills. A big realisation at the end of January will lend new perspective and show you what needs to change.
23 September - 22 October

Offering someone you work with emotional support is fine, but there is a danger of that friendship sliding into something more personal, which could mean trouble for both of you. Librans are eternal romantics, and you are seeing more in this than there is. Keep things friendly but open- ended so that you both have room to breathe and nobody gets hurt.
23 October - 22 November

A long-term project is at a crucial point. You have been making plans and even taking steps towards it; but now it’s time for serious commitment. What lies ahead will be hard work. If you still have doubts deep inside, step back. Spend a few weeks resolving whatever is worrying you; you need to be absolutely sure before you say yes.
23 November - 21 December

The balance of the heavens starts to move in your favour as Jupiter moves forward again. All the effort that you have put into your career and your relationships over the last five years will now start bringing you benefits and rewards. There will still be some ups and downs, but the overall flow is with you, not against you.
22 December - 20 January

There will be some uncomfortable moments in the next few weeks which may test the limits of a friendship—though, hopefully, not break it. Delicate negotiations will be required, and such things are never easy when money is involved. Think of it as setting yourself free: Once this is done, you can do things because you want to, not because you have to.
21 January - 19 February

Making a new and different life for yourself is easy in theory, but much harder in real life. So much has to be demolished, and so much, rebuilt. Mercury’s rapid sweep through your sign will sharpen your thinking and help you make crucial decisions. Early February lets you take a last look back at what you’re leaving behind. Enjoy it, but then move on.