
Horoscope: Your Ultimate Guide To 2025

Strap in because 2025 is going to be quite a ride. Here's everything you need to know about the year ahead—love, career and wealth included.
Published: January 7, 2025
Horoscope: Your Ultimate Guide to 2025
Photo: Vasya Kobelev / Canva

The second half of the 2020s is going to be very different from the first. Three of the outer planets—Saturn, Uranus and Neptune—will move into new signs during the summer (June to September), but then in the last quarter of the year, they will slip back to where they were before moving on again properly in 2026. 

What makes the outer planets so important is that they move so slowly. Neptune, for example, stays fourteen years in each sign. The constant presence of these planets in a particular sign may well set the distinctive tone or feel of a generation, and for three of the slow movers to change signs at the same time is very rare. Neptune and Saturn are moving into Aries (a fire sign), and Uranus will move into Gemini (an air sign). Pluto moved into Aquarius (another air sign) at the end of 2024. All the slow-moving planets will, therefore, be in fire and air signs, which hasn’t happened for twenty years. Neptune and Pluto will stay in their new signs until the end of the 2030s, so whatever these changes bring, they will be with us for a long time to come.

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Fire and air are about enterprise and optimism, new ideas and a willingness to try things that haven’t been tried before. All this is good. But they are also about being impatient and impetuous, leaping forward without thinking of the consequences. They are also quick to start disputes and conflicts: Fire and air encourage each other, and bigger flames will result. 

Earth and water are much more conservative. They look to preserve or extend what has worked before and is still working. They are more materialistic in outlook, and the earth signs, in particular, will always think about the financial aspects of the situation. The shift from a defensive earth and water outlook to the more experimental and enterprising mindset of fire and air will be very obvious as the generation born at the Millennium steps up into positions of power and influence—and it may not be an easy transition. But it has to happen, and we are lucky that 2025 gives us all a chance to get used to the new rules of the game, and to adjust our aims and attitudes accordingly.

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It’s a big leap for every one of us. But as always, the planets will do what they can to cushion the impact. Jupiter, the great bringer of good things, is in comforting Cancer for most of the year, a sign where he is especially strong: Whatever difficulties we get ourselves into, he will make sure that the outcome isn’t too bad. Venus and Mars will be as busy as ever, orchestrating some wonderful romantic scenarios at the start of the year and again in December.

This year is one that looks both forward and back at the same time, giving us a clear view of the future while providing the familiar standpoint of the recent past so that we can get a better perspective on what is to come. Whether you are keen to move on or would like one final backward glance, 2025 has something for us all.

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ARIES (21 Mar 21 – 19 Apr)     TAURUS (20 Apr – 20 May)     GEMINI (21 May – 20 Jun) CANCER (21 Jun – 22 Jul)     LEO (23 Jul – 22 Aug)     VIRGO (23 Aug – 22 Sep) LIBRA (23 Sep – 22 Oct)     SCORPIO (23 Oct – 21 Nov)     SAGITTARIUS (22 Nov – 21 Dec) CAPRICORN (22 Dec – 19 Jan)     AQUARIUS (20 Jan – 18 Feb) PISCES (19 Feb – 20 Mar)

ARIES (21 March to 19 April) 

Horoscope: Your Ultimate Guide to 2025
Photo: Vasya Kobelev / Canva

This year introduces something perhaps best described as a sense of uncertainty and unpredictability. All the things that you take for granted and rely on will not seem to be as firm as they were before, and that will be worrying.

This has all to do with Neptune, which this year enters Aries for the first time since the 1870s—so it’s a new experience for all of us, but especially for Aries people who will feel it most powerfully because it’s in their sign. Neptune’s influence is to soften and dissolve everything, but at the same time to provide inspiration and new ideas. Everything is possible, but nothing is definite. Old rules no longer apply, and no new ones are in place yet. As an Aries, you usually have an agenda of things that need to be done, and you attack each one with firmness and energy, but Neptune will keep changing that agenda, and what you always thought of as definitive solutions will no longer apply. It’s frustrating and exhausting, but Neptune will also show you possibilities that never existed before. This will excite and inspire you to new ways of using your talents. 

As if that wasn’t enough to deal with, Saturn also enters Aries this year. His influence usually adds some sort of restriction or weight to your life, which is usually seen as preventing you from doing what you want. However, you will appreciate his steadying presence and maybe use him as an anchor to prevent you from being swept away by Neptune.

As always, your personal relationships are shown by the movements of the celestial lovers Venus and Mars. This year, they are both retrograde in the early months of the year, which suggests that you are trying to avoid each other rather than get together. Certainly, there are external issues for both of you to resolve before you decide if you want to continue your relationship. You must decide whether these issues are temporary or an insurmountable barrier. Neptune’s presence in Aries will blur all the usual boundaries. This may be a chance for you to re-write the rules: What might previously have been considered impossible is now quite acceptable. Indications for the second half of the year look much better. You appear to grow closer as the months go by, though you may have to wait until the start of 2026 for the happy ending you hoped for. 

Neptune’s feeling of uncertainty will influence your work, too, but the problem here will be your unwillingness to move on. Whatever its faults, your present career position feels predictable and easy to manage, and you like that. Only at the end of the year will you feel confident enough to face change. In your finances, though, the year seems more balanced, with good times in May, October and November.

TAURUS (20 April to 20 May)

Horoscope: Your Ultimate Guide to 2025
Photo: Vasya Kobelev / Canva

You have never been the sort of person to enjoy change for its own sake. But it is inevitable this year so just go along with it and remind yourself that progress is necessary and beneficial. 

You are already familiar with the upsets that Uranus brings since he has been passing through your sign for some years now. At the moment, he is at the end of Taurus, and in July, he moves into Gemini before slipping back into Taurus again at the end of the year. How this movement is likely to show itself is in a lifestyle change, or perhaps a relocation. You will find yourself living a different sort of life in different surroundings, and it will take a few months before you are used to it. Then, just when you think you have settled into your new routine, you find yourself stepping back into something closer to your old one. Why? Perhaps there are still some personal issues for you to sort out, or you may need to make some changes to your thinking: A fine new life in a new location won’t mean anything if your heart is still longing for your old one. There can be no going back to the way things were, so making that mental adjustment—which is the hardest part of the whole process—is essential.

At the same time, Neptune will be making the life you leave behind seem wonderfully attractive by comparison. Neptune is better at helping you see what you want than showing you the truth. What seems perfect is actually an edited version, and you should be wary of it. Handling Uranus and Neptune simultaneously is difficult; remember that as long as you keep moving forward, all will be well.

The desire to go back will be especially strong in your emotional affairs, where your own planet, Venus, is closely involved with Neptune between February and May. Maybe going back to an old relationship will seem like the answer you were looking for. But, as you will see in May, the solution is not in hiding in the past. There is more emotional turmoil in July and October. Face the problem rather than avoid it and you’ll find that an answer becomes easier. You’ll feel much happier about the future by the end of the year.

Changes are coming in your career, too, though they may not demand action from you just yet. Nonetheless, you should look at what’s happening around you and take note. Also, have a new look at some old and unfulfilled ambitions: Long-standing obstacles may have been removed without you noticing. In your finances, the first half of the year looks very good—and an unusually productive and profitable partnership could present itself in October and November. Take what it offers while it’s there.

GEMINI (21 May to 20 June)

Horoscope: Your Ultimate Guide to 2025
Photo: Vasya Kobelev / Canva

Transitional years like this one can cause problems for many people, but for you, it couldn’t be better. You love the novelty and variety of it all, and the idea of being able to blend the best of two different eras—as one ends and another begins—is a dream come true. You see it all as a game, and in some ways, it is. When anything unexpected or unwelcome occurs, you tell yourself it will only be for a few months, which is all true. 

Perhaps the only real problem you have is taking any of these new developments seriously: When they repeat themselves in 2026, they won’t be as easy to ignore. The most important of these planetary moves is undoubtedly the entry of Uranus into your own sign. This marks the start of what may be the most significant period of your whole life. Uranus stays in a sign for about seven years, and during that time, you are likely to do more and achieve more in your life than ever before. Uranus in your sign will make life different and better—in ways that will always be unexpected, so making careful plans is pointless. But Geminis are always quick to see new opportunities, and June to September is full of them. The Uranus magic is already starting to work.

In your personal affairs, the main problem seems to be an inequality of some kind. There is clearly a strong attraction between you, but outside the relationship, you seem to be on different levels, and the status gap between you is difficult to bridge. Logically, you know it can’t possibly work, but your heart feels differently and won’t listen to advice. The conflict between these two viewpoints will fill the second and third quarters of the year before a feasible arrangement shows itself by year-end.

In your career, you will realise that a dream you have been chasing is probably not going to come true. Or, when you get close to it, the reality isn’t what you expected. Maybe the arrival of Uranus in your sign has shown you a different and better future. There is a last chance at the end of the year to reach your goal, but you will probably let it go: It’s simply too little, too late. In your finances, however, you should have no problems. In the early months of the year, you can recover money from the past or what is owed you; and later on, Jupiter will be with you to help bring in even more—though he will also help you spend it, too.

CANCER (21 June to 22 July)

Horoscope: Your Ultimate Guide to 2025
Photo: Vasya Kobelev / Canva

This is a real breakout year for you. The new positions of the outer planets don’t place restrictions on you; they liberate you from old ones, and you will feel free to move for the first time in years. In the past, whenever you tried something new, there was always Pluto in the sign opposite you, ready to remind you that new initiatives usually bring the unforeseen. Knowing that has made you pull back and exercise damage limitation before you even got started. Pluto is gone from that controlling position, and it won’t be back. You can be bolder and take more risks. Yes, some of those ventures won’t work out, and you still have to be careful. But at least you will get a fair chance at whatever you want to do. And, from June onwards, you will have Jupiter in your own sign to encourage, help, and protect you from negative consequences. Finally, you will need energy to get yourself going, and that comes from Mars. He spends the first four months of the year in Cancer to restore your confidence in yourself before sweeping forward in an increasing momentum—and you will do the same, pushing ahead with a real sense of who you are and what you can do. 

This new confidence extends to your personal life, too. If you are in a long-running relationship that features endless discussions about whether you should do something together, you will now see that these conversations only hold you back. It prevents the relationship from growing as it should. With Jupiter’s optimism behind you, and Mars giving you strength and initiative, you will sweep all these circular arguments to one side and go with what feels right. There is a significant point sometime in September when you may ask a simple yes or no question about the future of the relationship. If the answer is no, you will know that it is time for you to look elsewhere. You know what you want, you are confident that you can find it, and you have no patience with time-wasting. 

Your career is moving on, too. There is an eclipse at the top of your chart end-March that will show you a new direction to go in. As always with eclipses, you don’t have to take what they offer, but it’s always to your advantage if you do. A career change at this point will allow you to re-invent yourself completely, and Neptune, also at the top of your chart, will add a glamour to you that you never had before, getting you noticed in all the right ways. It’s a whole new world, and you will love it. 

In your finances, the best times are May and June, but there is also a new indication of long-term prosperity in the background. This will grow steadily over the next few years, and it looks very good.

LEO (23 July to August 22)

Horoscope: Your Ultimate Guide to 2025
Photo: Vasya Kobelev / Canva

In a year full of uncertainty, you find your direction. As Neptune moves on from the sector of your chart that looks to the far future, the fog that has obscured your vision is starting to clear. You can see where you are really headed, perhaps for the very first time, and this allows you to correct your course (a relatively simple task) if you find yourself heading in a direction different than intended. At the same time, two eclipses, one in March and the other in September, will help you see how two options that you have been holding on to are a useless drain on your time and resources. Eliminating unnecessary possibilities like this will let you concentrate your efforts on what matters and harden your hopes for the future into concrete plans. Before you start any of this, though, there is unfinished business from the past to deal with, and the opening months of the year will be spent doing this. Since you now know where your future direction lies, you can be ruthless in severing your ties to the past. When Mars brings his energy to your sign in May, you will be ready to go.

Your personal relationships may not be as easy to handle, though, since Pluto has entered the sign opposite your own and will stay there for a long time. He will add depth and complexity to all your relationships, both personal and professional, and he is also likely to bring unexpected upsets. Some of these can be fixed, but some can not, and you will have to learn to accept that. You are used to taking the lead and deciding whether an affair or a partnership is over. But from now on, that may not be so. If someone you have worked with or been close to for a long time suddenly leaves during mid-year, it won’t be anyone’s fault. It’s a Pluto thing, and you will have to adapt. But the year does have its compensations. For all the trouble Pluto brings, Venus and Mars will do their best to make you smile again, with some sweet moments in September and a teasing romance possible in November.

In your career, an era is coming to an end as Uranus prepares to move on. You may think that you can see how events will unfold, and you are probably making plans to move on, but this most unpredictable planet will still have some surprises for you. At the end of the year, you may be taken back to a role you’ve had before, now reshaped with different responsibilities and a better salary. But is it really better than it was? Do the changes work in your favour? And if yes, for how long? Try to get a proper perspective before you decide.

You will need to be careful with your finances. May and June look good, but some ventures could turn out to be more expensive than you thought. Don’t just throw money at them until you get the result you want; do some deeper thinking first.

VIRGO (23 August to 22 September)

Horoscope: Your Ultimate Guide to 2025
Photo: Vasya Kobelev / Canva

This is going to be a big year for you. With Jupiter still up at the top of your chart and this year’s eclipses in your own sign, it’s time for life to get bigger in every way. The arc of Mars’ movements is all in the creative half of your chart, so you will also be able to put your hopes and ideas out there and have some of them come true. All you have to do is think on a large enough scale—the bigger, the better—and launch your ventures with enough strength and speed to make them fly.

When the outer planets move from one sign to another, they can rearrange your whole life, giving one part of it a prominence it never had before while pushing other parts into the background. For Virgos, the greatest effects will be felt in personal and emotional affairs. As Neptune moves out of the partnership angle of your chart, it’s time for you to move on from your closest relationship, too. It hasn’t been the easiest love affair you’ve ever had, and you’ve both proved that you can come through bad times. But do you want to commit to it permanently? This is not an easy question to answer, and as Venus moves in and out of that crucial area of the sky, you may find yourself changing your mind several times. The phrase you will find yourself using time and again is “I love you, but…”—and each time, the reason behind the “but” will be different.

In recent months, the presence of Saturn in the relationship sector has created a sense of shared duty of having to stay together. But when Saturn is out of that sector between May and September, that sense of obligation disappears. Mars will bring his heat and passion to your sign in July. Is this a time to reclaim your freedom or even try a different relationship for a while? Maybe. At the end of the year, you seem content to go back to the way you were, at least for a little while, though it is clear that nothing between you can be the same as it was before. The end of the year is surprisingly intense: Is this the big step you were so unwilling to take earlier?

In your career, you should push as hard as you can to move up in the first part of the year. Jupiter is there to help, so use him because he won’t be back at the top of your chart until the middle of the 2030s. What you set in motion now can be used as a stepping stone to greater things later. From June onwards, Jupiter’s influence will be directed towards other ambitions not connected with your work. And Uranus, crossing the top of your chart for the first time, may start gently pushing you towards a different career completely. So, make your key moves in the early months before you get distracted by these new temptations. In your finances, the best times this year are in March, May, and October.

LIBRA (23 September to 23 October)

Horoscope: Your Ultimate Guide to 2025
Photo: Vasya Kobelev / Canva

Sometimes, we need the outer planets to tell us it’s time to move on, to do things differently, and to give us a little push if we are slow to take the hint. In the Libran chart, these nudges from the planets are all in the sectors to do with your personal relationships. Whatever your relationship status—whether single, recently attached, or long-established—the outer planets are telling you that you need to transition to the next phase, whatever it might be. Normally, you would be very happy to do this. But this time, you are trying as hard as you can not to move, which is very unusual.

This may have something to do with the position of Neptune. As Neptune moves across the partnership angle of your chart, it will loosen the bonds of any relationship you are in, enabling you to make changes and perhaps even move apart if you feel it’s what you want. But at the same time, Neptune is having a loosening effect on yourself. It is making you think about who you are and how you would like your life to be in the future. Do you need to be in a relationship, or would you rather be on your own for a while? Each question you ask seems to have another one underneath it. Among other things, Neptune is about depth, so you will find that some of these questions go very deep indeed.

This process of examining and rebuilding yourself seems to go against everything you have said you wanted and believed in—which is why you are hanging on so tightly to your present situation. But if you let yourself be swept away by a Neptunian flood, what would happen? You would float along quite happily and be taken to interesting places you had never seen before. There is no need to worry. But Neptune is not the only planet active in your chart this year. Pluto is also active, this time in the lovers’ sector. It’s likely, therefore, that you will be looking for something deeper and more impassioned in your personal life to express the hidden energies of Pluto. Lightweight romance, based on friendship and flirting, isn’t going to be enough to meet your emotional needs.

Your emotional life may be challenging, but your career seems to be going very well. Maybe you are channelling your emotional energies into your work as a sort of counterbalance to other areas of your life. Whatever it is, it’s a successful strategy, though obviously not one to use all the time. June and July may bring some differences of opinion, but they should be easily resolved. In your finances, there is a lot of movement in October; try to keep track of where all the money is going.

SCORPIO (24 October to 21 November)

Horoscope: Your Ultimate Guide to 2025
Photo: Vasya Kobelev / Canva

As 2025 opens, your ruler Pluto is firmly established in its new position at the base of your chart. Unlike the other outer planets, which will dip into new signs before moving back again this year, Pluto is going to stay where he is, and you will like that. Down at the bottom of your chart, he creates a foundation point from which you will

build your future in the years ahead. So, whatever you do this year will have that sense of long-term investment built into it—be it a new job, or a new home. If so, be aware that you will be in them for a very long time, whether or not that is your intention. Choose carefully and be sure that what you pick is something you really like, not something that is merely convenient.

All the key components of your life—where you are, what you do, and who you are with—are likely to change this year, as the outer planets signal a new era for all of us. Be flexible and allow events to develop in their own way. Don’t try to control what happens, and above all, don’t think that you know the rules of the game because you’ve seen things like this before. They are changing very fast, too fast for you to keep up with, and whenever Uranus is active (as he is this year) the result is always unpredictable.

Among all these changes, there may be the end of a very long-running relationship. You have been very close for a very long time: Friends for longer than you care to remember, maybe even lovers occasionally. But most of all, you have been there to support each other, to listen to each other’s problems, and to keep each other’s secrets. But was there ever any real love there? After all these years, you may realise that if anything was going to happen between you, it would have done so by now. Disruptive Uranus leaving the partnership angle of your chart might indicate that the relationship has run its course, and a significant lunar eclipse in September shows a door to the future closing rather than opening. Yet, in the closing months of the year, as the outer planets move back to where they were for one last time, you seem to be back together again. Maybe you have accepted that the relationship can never be what you hoped it might be, but you still enjoy being together. For a few more months, at least.

In your career, the best time is between April and June, when your ruler Mars speeds over the top of your chart; you will be unstoppable. You may get some interesting glimpses of new medium and long-term options mid-year; definitely worth thinking about, but it’s too early to commit yourself to anything.

Your finances this year could suffer from extravagance. Good times are fun, but you should watch your spending in March, July, and especially in December, when you may find yourself having to borrow simply to cover your usual living costs.

SAGITTARIUS (22 November to 21 December)

Horoscope: Your Ultimate Guide to 2025
Photo: Vasya Kobelev / Canva

Far-sighted as ever, you are looking beyond the problems of recent months and forming plans for the rest of the decade. When your ruler Jupiter enters the sector of your chart concerned with the far future in the second half of this year, you will be able to see much further ahead than you can right now, and you will see, too, that the future looks brighter and more optimistic than the past few years have been. 

Also, as Neptune moves into a different part of the sky mid-year, you will lose the instability and uncertainty that have held you back in recent times: How could you launch yourself if the ground beneath your feet was soft and unstable? Or if the resources you needed were promised but then not delivered? It was an impossible situation; you did what you could, of course, but your progress was a slow crawl instead of a confident stride. All that will soon be behind you. June through August marks the start of a much better time for you, and although there may be a few hold-ups in the final weeks of the year, don’t let that crush your enthusiasm. The progress you make in 2025 will continue for several years afterwards; this is what you have been waiting for.

In your personal relationships, there’s definitely some sort of romance going on in the first half of the year. But it’s hard to tell if it is a crush, an infatuation, or a real love affair. You seem unsure yourself, and as Venus moves backwards and forwards in the lover’s sector of the chart, you alternate between wanting to take the liaison further and wanting to back out. Perhaps you feel that if you did go further, you would lose the freedom you have only just regained. You have a future to build for yourself, and you want to embrace it; a new relationship will only hold you back, you think. But whatever it is, it’s exciting and sexy. By the end of May, though, the flames of passion may well burn themselves out, and when Jupiter opens up those far horizons for you in June, you will probably let the affair fade away.

In your career, this is definitely a time to go for what you want, and avoid anything which is simply a time-filler. Jupiter will have helped you define your future direction, and it’s always easier to make progress if you know where you’re going. If you feel weighed down by duties and obligations you don’t like or want, or have no part in your future plans, then this year’s eclipses, in March and September, should release you from them. You’ll feel much lighter as a result. There’s also a really productive phase in mid-November where your hopes and ideas get converted into tangible reality, probably as some sort of agreement or contract. 

In your finances, there may be some difficulties between January and April, perhaps with some old debts to be paid, but when Jupiter returns to power in June, all should be well.

CAPRICORN (22 December to 19 January)

Horoscope: Your Ultimate Guide to 2025
Photo: Vasya Kobelev / Canva

This could be the most extraordinary year of your life—but you will have to be brave and trust yourself. All the strong and solid structures that are typical of the Capricorn lifestyle are going to be left behind. Instead, you will embark on a completely different way of living—one where you have to find your own road to follow. Nor can you simply wait for things to get back to how they used to be. These changes are irreversible. As your own planet Saturn draws ever closer to Neptune, all the old certainties will vanish, and life will become unpredictable—full of possibilities, but with nothing definite.

This sounds frightening, but what if it is just what you need? It is a chance for you to live another life, not bound by convention or the expectations of others, but only by what your heart and inner instincts tell you is right. Neptune will unlock the prison of convention and show you a hundred new ways to be. The brilliance of it all will dazzle you—which one do you choose? That is the moment where you have to be brave and listen to your inner voice. Do not hold back. This is an extraordinary moment, and it deserves a similar response.

The greatest challenges come in your emotional affairs. Uranus, the planet of the unexpected, links up with your ruler Saturn to stir up emotions that have lain buried within you for a very long time. You will be surprised at the intensity of your feelings. If you start a new relationship now, as seems likely, you will find yourself crossing the limits you usually set yourself and moving into unknown territory. Yet, it feels right. Not everyone agrees with you; there may be some opposition and well-meant advice from family and friends who claim to be acting in your best interests. It’s a lot to handle all at once and so you pull away. But you return to the relationship mid-year. The second time round, it will feel familiar, reaching and connecting to the real heart of you. This is not something to be frightened of but something you want as a regular part of your life. Is this the relationship you have been looking for? In the past, you would have said absolutely not. But when you think about some of the possible futures that Neptune is creating for you, it seems to fit very well. Maybe you should stay with it and see what happens.

When your whole life seems to be in a fluid state, it’s best to leave your career as it is for a while. But there are clear signs that a new role within your existing situation at work is there for you in the second half of the year. If you take it, you will feel much happier. Best times for your money are in January, April, and May.

AQUARIUS (20 January to 18 February)

Horoscope: Your Ultimate Guide to 2025
Photo: Vasya Kobelev / Canva

For many people, the changes in the positions of the outer planets this year will bring new challenges and constraints for them to adapt to. For you, it seems that the reverse is true. The outer planets will be working from the inside out, not the other way round, urging you to look deeper within yourself and to bring out those talents and ambitions which you have kept hidden for years. 

Pluto, as it works its way slowly through your own sign, will dig up all of this hidden resource, bringing it to the surface and revealing some surprising treasures. At the same time, Neptune will make your everyday existence more flexible: Maybe you will decide to do more of your work at home, or take longer breaks between episodes of working so that you can pursue other interests, or go travelling. At the same time, your own ruler, Uranus, moves into a more expressive sector of the chart, urging you to do the things you want and not just what you feel forced to do. The result of all of this is that you are going to be more independent than you were, and showing more of your true feelings—not just personal, but social, political, ecological, and more. You will be displaying more of what makes you distinct. The old Aquarian desire to be part of the crowd and stand out from it will be stronger than ever, and the outer planets will help you achieve that.

In your personal affairs, you may be thinking about taking the next big step forward. Before you do that, there are some problems to be resolved concerning the roles you both take within the relationship. There is no problem here with the feelings that you have for each other. It is simply the everyday framework of your life together that seems a little creaky. Is it strong and well enough established to form a reliable framework for the future? If not, you need to reinforce, and maybe even rethink, it. It’s not as easy as it sounds, as the fault lines in the relationship run deep. Maybe Uranus will prompt you to some radical thinking in the year’s third quarter. To help you see what’s what, take financial considerations out of the equation for a while and let your emotions speak. Then, work out what you can afford.

With Pluto now in Aquarius, your career will need to reflect that individuality and distinctiveness you have rediscovered in yourself. No need to make sudden changes, but steer away slowly, if you can, from anything requiring you to hide your true self. Openness must be your new mantra. Finances will need care this year: Look for things which are a constant drain on your cashflow and stop the leak.

PISCES (19 February to 20 March)

Horoscope: Your Ultimate Guide to 2025
Photo: Vasya Kobelev / Canva

This year marks the end of an era. For the last fourteen years, you have had the luxury of your own ruling planet, Neptune, in your own sign. Now, he is getting ready to move on. While he has been with you, you have been at the leading edge of whatever has been going on, catching the spirit of the age and bringing it into your own life without even having to think about it. This has been, in every way, a golden era for you. But as Neptune moves on into Aries, you will feel the mood change. What lies ahead is very different—and although you will get used to it, you may not like the new flavour quite so much.

You do still have five months of this year when Neptune is in Pisces. He is with you from January through March, and from the end of October to end year. It is always said that you never appreciate what you’ve got until it isn’t there any more, and maybe the knowledge that you are about to lose your ruler from your sign will spur you to make use of every single day. If you have already taken some of the

opportunities Neptune has given you in recent years, then here is your last chance to make your projects grow and prosper before a cooler cultural climate arrives. If you haven’t committed yourself to anything yet, it’s not too late to start, though you don’t have much time.

But these crucial early months of the year are also taken up with extraordinary activity in your personal life. This may distract you from making the best use of your time. Perhaps the love affair that now presents itself has a last-chance feel to it. Whatever it is, it is addictive: When the arguments come, a signal for you to walk away, you stay—and not just once. Somehow, the arguments are part of it, an all-consuming passion which neither of you wants to let go. A lunar eclipse in the partnership angle of your chart in March may show you that the relationship doesn’t have much of a future. The affair starts to lose some of its heat a few weeks later. July and August also have relationship potential, and this time you are thinking seriously about long-term prospects. But there are disagreements there, too, and an eclipse in your own sign shows that this one isn’t what you want, either. September may let you give the relationship one last try, but is it really what you want, or are you just telling yourself that anything is better than nothing? Think carefully.

In your career, the big opportunities are all in the second half of the year, particularly in December. But your energies are low, and you seem uninterested. Make the effort; they’re too good to miss. In your finances, you should do well at the start of the year, and there may be an unexpected bonus in April, perhaps big enough to make a useful difference to your lifestyle. August, September and October are good, too, but beware overspending; November is steadier.

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