
Chinese Zodiac Forecast 2025: What The Year Has In Store For Every Animal

Rabbit rising, tiger descending, and goat ascending—here's how each zodiac animal will fare in the 2025 race.
Published: January 15, 2025
Wood Snake

Because the weather is unbearably gloomy, because you need some form of encouragement to get it together, and because you're skiving off whilst acting busy at your desk: Here's your zodiac prediction in 2025, the year of the wood snake that starts on 29 January 2025 and winds its way to February 16 2026.

Even if you don't believe in the woo-woo-ness of it, there can be some form of clarity to uncover in these 2025 zodiac predictions. Read deeply enough, and you might even spot some signs for your personal development and growth, which can be a chance for you to file through your thoughts and feelings like an adult—processing, organising, and then enabling yourself to focus more on the bigger picture (existential dread!) and less on taxing, inconsequential issues (crippling anxieties!).

So here are some useful predictions for your zodiac this year. And if your employer asks what you are so seemingly focused on, just throw corporate jargon like "juggling balls in the air" or "maximising my bandwidth" at them.

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(1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020)

Chinese Zodiac - Rat
PHOTO: Freepik

Congratulations, darling Rat—you’re officially the teacher’s pet of 2025 based on your zodiac prediction. This Wood-Snake year comes prepackaged with cosmic blessings for you, provided you don’t get in your own way (yes, patience and adaptability are actual virtues). Your career? Skyrocketing if you let yourself bliss out and just do the work. Your wallet? Fattening out.

But a word of caution: Don’t let an initial romantic spark burn the whole house down—emotionally impulsive decisions are fun to watch in films but can be a fool's game in real life.

As for your health, a little time out goes a long way. Learn how to do relaxing activities like yoga or taking a spa day, preferably filed under self-care when it's time for claims.

LUCKY CHARMS: Embrace green, blue, and red for maximum aura points, whilst the numbers two and three will be your lucky ones. In fact, a combination of them in multiples like 23, 232, or 3323 will help you manifest more magic.

Related article: Ring In The Year Of The Snake With These Stylish Lunar New Year Collections

(1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021)

Chinese Zodiac - Ox
PHOTO: Freepik

If you spend an inordinate amount of time rechecking, aligning, and proofing your work, it's possible that your month is already off to a good start, career-wise—which means a promotion could be coming soon. No need to brag, but whilst you should maintain your work processes for the next 11 months, ask yourself truly and deeply if you could ever be cast as the lovable character in a spin-off of The Office.

Be honest and fear not if the answer is no—all you have to do is learn how to collaborate and compromise. These two changes will also affect your love life as you notice dramatics turned down.

As for your health, learn to take it slow by establishing routines where you can't use your phone. For example, take an hour before work to slather some body oil on yourself and thank us later.

LUCKY CHARMS: The numbers one and four are your guiding stars, and congratulations on being the luckiest Zodiac in 2025 in terms of colours. Yours are white and green.

(1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022)

Chinese Zodiac - Tiger
PHOTO: Freepik

Should someone ever encounter you at your worst in the wild this year, we'd like to say sorry on your behalf. You'll be going through a Gone Girl spiral at work and will need to learn how to be more adaptable and patient. You'll also need to cut back on the girl math and romantic daydreaming because this will be a year of needing to get real.

Give yourself the space to think through your actions and, if need be, find a friend to hold your finger whenever you start disassociating and making poor life choices.

At the opposite end of the spectrum, far away from work, is your personal self, with indulgences in useful TikTok-recommended mental health activities like journaling and meditation. Yes, underneath the claws and fangs is a happy, calm baby who does meditative swim laps before a "everything in" shower.

LUCKY CHARMS: Numbers one, three, and four are your cosmic power trio and we're sorry to break one more piece of bad news to you. Your lucky colours are purple, yellow, and green.

(1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023)

Chinese Zodiac - Rabbit
PHOTO: Freepik

For all you soft girls and boys out there who have irrational fears like answering phone calls or socialising in unfamiliar territory, 2025 is going to be your year, as you'll be rewarded for doing nothing. Sit back and allow your career and finances to run smoothly, with random opportunities like a pay raise or a chance to deplete your bank account without worry popping up.

You'll also fall in HBO movie-esque love this year, whether it's a new relationship or a revitalised spark—and once again, without you needing to do anything at all.

Since all is smooth sailing regarding those aspects, you can now afford to turn your focus onto wellness. Think: Eating like a rabbit itself (less meat, more greens), going out to get some sun, and engaging in inactivities like at-home spa days.

LUCKY CHARMS: It's no surprise that your lucky colours are pink and red. As for numbers, they're three, four, and six.

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(1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024)

Chinese Zodiac - Dragon
PHOTO: Freepik

If you've been hearing advice for some time about taking a risk and embracing new ventures, or even #YOLO, 2025 is the moment you'll be able to make a big shift in terms of your career—be it a new one or even moving abroad. Financial rewards will naturally follow, but instead of doing what other fun-loving young professionals do in their downtime, learn to be more grounded in how you spend your money.

Unless you've scored a career break, that is. (Don't drink upon receiving good news in case it becomes a habit. No thanks, Drew Barrymore). Your love life will get serious too, and while a new spark or encounter will get you hot under the collar, remember that the only thing that separates us from beasts is how we control our hormones.

There's nothing particularly concerning about your health this year, but it would pay to keep this in mind: It's fun to experiment with the limits of the human body but remember to do so in moderation while keeping up the momentum of your regular physical activities.

LUCKY CHARMS: Your lucky colours are silver and gold so learn how to mix them, and figure out how many permutations the numbers one, six, and seven can make.

(1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025)

Chinese Zodiac - Snake
PHOTO: Freepik

Like the rabbit, those born in the zodiac year of the snake will have an easy 2025. You can sit back and coast through your career whilst living the typical Singaporean dream (a potential work-life balance and year-end promotion meets a pay raise in this economy), though you can make a switch if necessary. Financially, you can afford to give your financial agent a call to use one of the most boring terms in the library of financial terminology—"save for a rainy day".

On the bright side, relationships will feel easy, with your significant other providing a sense of calm and support. Singles may even find a partner.

In terms of health, expect to be more susceptible to getting sick this year, especially when travelling. There are the non-negotiable—like a balanced diet, regular exercise, and medical check-ups—but unless your travel medication case isn't a weird jumble of letters, then you're doing it wrong.

LUCKY CHARMS: And just like the misfortune of the tiger when it came to their 2025 zodiac prediction, your lucky colours are red, black, and yellow. Thankfully, the numbers are more forgiving: two, eight, and nine.

(1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)

Chinese Zodiac - Horse
PHOTO: Freepik

It's hard to think about living a balanced life, especially when legendary cinematic characters like Luisa Rey in Cloud Atlas, Carley Whitten in The Other Woman or Hannah Montana in Hannah Montana couldn't do so, but those are the magic words for a horse's 2025 zodiac prediction. You'll find that you'll still have the energy career-wise to make big changes or to flip the script, but take time to think about what the you-outside-of-work desires.

Existential crisis aside, investments will pay off this year. This means you can invest in yourself, which is the DJ Tiesto way of living that's sadly forgotten by millennials: Work Hard, Play Hard.

Your love life is going to be unexpectedly thrilling in a cinematically PG-13 way this year, so make sure you stay open to feel the love all around you and pour it back into yourself. Focus on stress management and staying grounded.

LUCKY CHARMS: Your lucky colours are yellow, red, and green. As for your numbers, they are two, seven, and nine.

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(1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)

Chinese Zodiac - Goat
PHOTO: Freepik

If there's ever a time to take a leaf out of the digital book of one of the world's most famous, GOOP-iest, and strangely fascinating women (spoiler alert: it's Gwyneth Paltrow), then it's 2025 for goats. And by that, we mean learning to be a morning person who starts their day off calmly and maintains that state throughout the chaos of the day.

This will enable you to be more keenly aware of potential opportunities in your career whilst allowing you to turn your resourcefulness into real gains and ease into the power of your support network for a helping hand when it comes to your finances.

There is potential for conscious uncoupling this year if you're in a relationship, so remember to be patient and not rush into things. Stay grounded and let things develop naturally; you'll find a connection both exciting and stable. We would love to know what that feels like.

Health-wise, stress and sadness may have a stronger impact on you this year and accidents will arise from adventurous activities. So, stay home more often to relax and focus on a new hobby

LUCKY CHARMS: Get into floral arrangement as your lucky colours are white, green, and pink whereas the number are two, seven, and eight.

(1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016)

Chinese Zodiac - Monkey
PHOTO: Freepik

Within the year career-wise, you'll realise that: 1) You're capable of saying no; 2) You're more creative than you thought you were; 3): You're capable of doing the job. Even when a small win happens on the job, you can expect a boost in finances as they'll come from unexpected places. Pro tip: It is ironically easier to relax when your Google Calendar starts looking like a rainbow cake as it means you'll be fully booked and busy.

As for love, you don't need to shell out serious money for an introspective chat in addition to the good stuff (It's apparently called therapy) because all you have to do is to be upfront with your intentions and not ghost people.

Besides taking the time to do mental detoxes throughout the year, it's best to take note that stress can manifest in other ways—like blood pressure problems or heart-related issues that usually come from overworking or an inactive lifestyle.

LUCKY CHARMS: It's the perfect excuse to take more mental health days especially since you'll need to figure out how to pair your lucky colours of red, white, and gold. Your numbers will be one, seven, and eight.

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(1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017)

Chinese Zodiac - Rooster
PHOTO: Freepik

Behind every successful person is someone who toggles a product list from lowest to highest, but 2025 will be the year roosters can simply click on a page to start shopping. The stars will align to give you the attention you deserve in your career—think a promotion with a proper pay rise, a celebration that doesn't involve chain pizza, and business opportunities to spread your wings.

This is aligned with your finances, where you can be encouraged to do riskier things like investments—though you should learn to take yourself out of the moment and properly read the fine print first.

Regarding love, it'll be best for you to remember the words of the patron saint of demure and mindfulness. If you're in a relationship, learn to be patient and hold your tongue to ensure you say the right words. Or, if you're single, be modest and realistic about your standards while taking care to not lower them.

The same can be said about your health—eat in moderation, take regular breaks, and learn how to sleep properly.

LUCKY CHARMS: Your lucky colours are gold and green, and three, five, and nine are your lucky digits.

(1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018)

Chinese Zodiac - Dog
PHOTO: Freepik

Good news first: Your achievements this year will read like an Asian parent's fantasy. You'll achieve sizeable fame, fortune, and luck in terms of your career, which, in turn, will take your finances out of the dogs and into stability. It'll even be a windfall, so ensure that you can resist the temptation to spend it with no accountability.

As for love, there could be lots of opportunities to deepen or start a relationship due to your loyalty and steadfastness.

Now, the bad news. You'll need to learn to set boundaries, especially with energy vampires who love to take more than they give. They'll cause you anger issues, which will affect everything from your mental to digestive health.

LUCKY CHARMS: Other than that unfortunate blip in your 2025 zodiac prediction, enjoy sniffing out opportunities when the numbers three, four, and nine are concerned whilst you're dressed in white, yellow and gold. Remember, too, that you should always focus on what you can control based on your natural intuition.

(1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019)

Chinese Zodiac - Pig
PHOTO: Freepik

For pigs, the key ingredient to having abundance served on a silver platter this 2025 is something called "intuition". This will serve you in all aspects of life. For your career, there'll be lots of travelling involved, and they will involve minor obstacles that you'll readily have the answer to. Avoid second-guessing them, and learn to trust your gut when it comes to important decision-making.

As for finances, your intuition will lead you to discover how you can make unexpected gains from a promotion, though the loss of it from other sources will puzzle you.

Regarding love, expect more tender moments if you're in a relationship and continue trusting your intuition when it comes to situations requiring composure and harmony. You'll even notice that it will lead you to leave certain friendships, which, while you may feel uncomfortable at first, will eventually lead you into a more blissed-out state of mind when you do so. Especially important for your health too, as your mental health will take a dip if you don't learn to be positive and grateful.

LUCKY CHARMS: Yellow and gold will keep you going and the numbers, two, five, and eight are your lucky ones.

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