Virgo season is here and it's a busy time for all signs. With the start of the Mercury Retrograde (the horror!), Venus in Virgo, and a new moon in Leo, it is going to be an intense period for everyone, but do not fret as here's your horoscope guide for the month.
23 August - 22 September

You are in an introspective mood and wondering where you fit into the grand scheme of things. Don’t let it distract you from the present moment. This is the best part of the year for your career, and you must take full advantage of it all. Act decisively, and show your rivals that you’re still in the game.
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23 September - 22 October

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When an old adversary comes back into your life, your first instinct is to be suspicious; but all that is in the past, so let it stay there. Now, you can help each other and start a new relationship between you two. You’ll never be best friends, but with mutual respect and cooperation, you won’t be enemies, either.
23 October - 22 November

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You are about to take a big leap forward with someone close. It seemed like a daring idea when you first talked about it, but now, neither of you wants to be the first to say no. This is a serious venture with long-term consequences. If you’re not fully committed to it, say so now.
23 November - 21 December

In an ideal world, what you believe, what you say, and what you do should progress from theory to actuality. Real life is not like that. Right now, the planets which symbolise these three states of being are hesitant or misaligned—and you too, lack your usual clear sense of thought and purpose. Take care.
22 December - 20 January

A project that you started some time ago is starting to show some results or even profits. Considering the time and effort you have already put in, it may not be much, but you won’t mind that. What you have done so far is all good, and there will be even better to come.
21 January - 19 February

Sometimes, we get to see ourselves as who we really are—and we won’t always like what we see. This month’s full moon in your sign will make you very aware of things that need to change if you are to fulfil your long-term ambitions. Emotions may run high for a while, but don’t worry; it’s all part of the process.
20 February - 20 March

There is a strange looseness to the next few weeks. You may find that you have to take the lead and guide others yourself—a most un-Piscean thing—simply because you are the only person who can function in so undefined a situation. It will only be for a short while.
21 March - 20 April

You are full of ideas for the future and are eager to discuss with anyone who will listen. But you have yet to put anything into action because you still have unfinished business from the past. It’s preventing you from making a start on anything new. You know what you have to do.
21 April – 21 May

Something that you know is right for you will come into your life at the wrong time. Whatever it is—a person, a location, a career change—you aren’t ready for each other yet. Carry on with what you were doing, and wait until fate brings you together again—much sooner than you think.
22 May – 21 June

You are quick, clever, ambitious, and careful to keep things small and manageable. But if you really want to move your life forward, there are times when you have to think big, and this is one of them. This month, the planets give you an opportunity like no other. Raise your game and win.
22 June – 22 July

Before you start a new chapter of your life, you are strongly tempted to go back and enjoy the pleasures of the past for one last time. This is fine as long as you remember that you already know how the story ends. Don’t expect too much, don’t take it too seriously, and all will be well.
23 July – 22 August

It seems you’re having second thoughts about a major purchase. The problem is not that you can’t afford it, but whether it’s right for you. Look again and ask yourself whether it truly expresses who you are. Those doubts are there for a reason so don’t be afraid to trust your instincts.