There’s no denying the amount of musical talent we have on our shores. But for a truly Singapore-centric playlist, these names—spanning Malay-English rap and chugging guitar riffs, to dulcet, undulating Tamil R&B and Jungle beats—are who you should be bobbing your head to.
Related article: The Boys of Krunkle on Writing Music in Quarantine, and What’s Next
Tell us about Taledrops.
We’re an indie band that plays alternative rock with some progressive and theatrical elements. The band consists of Pearly (vocals), Zee (guitar), Jingmin (bass), Shan (keyboard), and Kiara (drums). We came together in secondary school as part of a school project, but only casually jammed and didn't do much with the band for a few years. Pearly joined us in 2019 and we unanimously decided to fully commit to the band soon after. A huge turning point happened in April 2022, when we organised our own gig, “Shut The Factory Up”, and invited other local bands to perform. Watching those amazing bands up close and interacting with them inspired us to sharpen our craft and take the band to the next level. Our music has a piece of everyone in it: Our love and respect for each other means we naturally incorporate everyone’s opinions while prioritising our collective vision.
Related article: Suthasini Rajenderan on Infusing Indian Music With R&B and Hip Hop Elements
Who is the biggest inspiration for your sound?
Muse. We’re very inspired by their intricate arrangements, sustained melodies with beautiful phrasing, orchestral elements, unconventional song structures, and heart-wrenching chord progressions. They’re also the perfect example of how a band of 30 years can write such diverse music, ranging from alt-prog rock to pop and dance, while still always retaining the flavours that make their music so unique and distinct.
Listen to Taledrops if you like….
Muse and alt-rock with a hint of drama.
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What local music acts would you recommend?
Count Vernon’s recent debut album is such a perfect blend of dancey, groovy bops and emotional ballads. We love their heavy synths and bass lines, great vocals and lyricism.
What's next?
We’re currently in the midst of working with acclaimed producer Leonard Soosay for our upcoming EP that’s targeted for the later half of this year. And we’re also designing merch to accompany the launch and have a few gigs lined up that we’ll share on our social media.
Photographed by JAYA KHIDIR
Hairstylist GREGO
Make-up Artist RINA SIM using Lancôme